name sternothyroid_muscle namespace parent infrahyoid_muscles label [med] Musculus sternothyroideus annotationRemark [] dka ACC [] cy0007322 comment [en] An infrahyoid muscle on each side of the body below the sternohyoid that arise from the sternum and from the cartilage of the first and sometimes of the second ribs, inserts into the thyroid cartilage, and acts to draw the larynx downward by depressing the thyroid cartilage organNo [] 40523 nameGermanSynonym [] speciesNo [] 86 label [de] nameMedicineSynonym [] nameEnglishSynonym [] label [en] sternothyroid muscle comment [de] Ursprung: Rückfläche des Brustbeins; Innervation: Ansa cervicalis; Funktion: Einander nähern von Zungenbein und Schilddrüse, Kopfsenkung, Entspannung der Stimmbänder isInnervatedBy ansa_cervicalis attachedToOrigin thyroid_cartilage attachedToOrigin manubrium_of_sternum