name stylomastoid_vein namespace parent vein_of_head_and_neck comment [en] It drains the tympanic cavity, traverses the facial canal exiting via the stylomastoid foramen, and empties into the retromandibular vein nameEnglishSynonym [] organNo [] 24941 label [en] stylomastoid vein speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Vena stylomastoidea nameMedicineSynonym [] nameGermanSynonym [] label [de] annotationRemark [] dka ACC [] cy0005274 comment [de] verläuft im Canalis facialis; Sammelgebiet: Paukenhöhle, Cellulae mastoidae, Musculus stapedius, Dura mater isPartOf drainsInto pterygoid_plexus