name stylopharyngeus_muscle namespace parent levator_pharyngis_muscles nameEnglishSynonym [] stylopharyngeus organNo [] 20455 ACC [] cy0000982 comment [en] A slender muscle arises from the base of the styloid process of the temporal bone, inserts in the side of the pharynx, acts with the contralateral muscle in swallowing to increase the transverse diameter of the pharynx by drawing its sides upward and laterally comment [de] Ursprung: Processus styloideus des Schläfenbeines; Funktion: Hebung des Rachens, Erweiterung des Isthmus faucium label [med] Musculus stylopharyngeus label [en] stylopharyngeus muscle speciesNo [] 86 attachedToApproach pharynx attachedToOrigin styloid_process_of_temporal_bone isInnervatedBy glossopharyngeal_nerve_IX