name sublingual_vein namespace parent vein_of_head_and_neck ACC [] cy0001158 speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] A vein which accompanies the sublingual artery in the floor of the mouth, lateral to the hypoglossal nerve. It may join the deep lingual vein to form the lingual or join the vena comitans of hypoglossal nerve. label [med] Vena sublingualis label [de] Unterzungenvene comment [de] Diese Vene verläuft zwischen der Glandula sublingualis und dem Musculus mylohyoideus und mündet in die Vena lingualis. Ihr Sammelgebiet: Glandula sublingualis, Schleimhaut des Mundhöhlenbodens. organNo [] 20650 label [en] Sublingual vein drainsInto geniohyoideus_muscle drainsInto mylohyoideus_muscle