name superficial_inguinal_lymph_nodes namespace parent inguinal_lymph_nodes child inferior_superficial_inguinal_lymph_nodes child superomedial_superficial_inguinal_lymph_nodes child superolateral_superficial_inguinal_lymph_nodes nameMedicineSynonym [] Nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales comment [en] A group of 12 to 20 nodes that lie in the subcutaneous tissue below the inguinal ligament and along the terminal part of the great saphenous vein; they drain the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the lower abdominal wall, perineum, buttock, external genitalia, and lower limb comment [de] befinden sich epifaszial, im subkutanen Fett entlang und unterhalb des Leistenbandes; für Haut unterhalb des Nabels, äußere Genitale, After, Harnröhre, Abfluss iliakal und über tiefe Gruppe nameEnglishSynonym [] speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] label [med] Nodi lymphatici inguinales superficiales label [de] oberflächliche Lymphknoten der Leistengegend ACC [] cy0002027 label [en] superficial inguinal lymph nodes nameGermanSynonym [] organNo [] 21612 adjacentTo inguinal_ligament