name suprachoroid_lamina_of_choroid namespace parent part_of_choroidea annotationRemark [] dka speciesNo [] 86 nameMedicineSynonym [] ACC [] cy0007596 label [med] Lamina suprachoroidea comment [en] A layer of loose, pigmented connective tissue on the outer surface of the choroid, resembling and attached to the lamina fusca sclerae nameGermanSynonym [] organNo [] 60035 comment [de] gefäßarme, kollagen-elastische Verschiebeschicht mit pigmentierten Bindegewebszellen und Lymphspalten unmittelbar unter der Sklera label [de] lamelläres Bindegewebe der Aderhaut label [en] suprachoroid lamina of choroid nameEnglishSynonym [] ectochoroidea, suprachoroid layer adjacentTo sclera isPartOf choroid isPartOf adult