name surface_epithelial_cell_of_stratified_squamous_nonkeratinized_epithelium_of_cornea_tongue_oral_cavity_esophagus_anal_canal_vagina_urethra_partial namespace parent part_of_eye parent cell parent part_of_tongue annotationRemark [] elf label [med] Epitheliocytus squamosus comment [de] Zelle des Stratum superficiale des mehrschichtigen unverhornten Plattenepithels. Vorkommen: Tunica conjunctiva bulbi, Zunge, Mundhöhle, Speiseröhre, Analkanal, Harnröhre (Fossa navikularis) und Vagina (einschließlich Vestibulum und Labia majora). label [de] Oberflächenepithelzelle des mehrschichtigen unverhornten Plattenepithels der Hornhaut, der Zunge, der Mundhöhle, der Speiseröhre, des Analkanals, der Harnröhre (partiell) und der Vagina speciesNo [] 86 cellNo [] 498 comment [en] Squamous superficial cell of stratum superficiale of stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium. Occurrence: cornea, tongue, oral cavity, esophagus, anal canal, vagina, urethra (partial). label [en] Surface epithelial cell of stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium of cornea, tongue, oral cavity, esophagus, anal canal, vagina, urethra (partial) precursorNo [] 832 ACC [] cy0011161 nameEnglishSynonym [] Squamous superficial cell cellSystemNo [] 962 isCellOf isCellOf isCellOf isCellOf