name tendinous_sheath_of_superior_oblique_muscle namespace parent part_of_eye parent tendon_sheath label [en] tendinous sheath of superior oblique ACC [] cy0007723 comment [en] The synovial sheath enclosing the tendon of the superior oblique muscle as it passes through the trochlea nameGermanSynonym [] label [med] Vagina tendinis musculi obliqui superioris bulbi nameEnglishSynonym [] tendon sheath of superior oblique muscle, synovial trochlear bursa comment [de] Sehnenscheide des Musculus obliquus superior bulbi speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] dka nameMedicineSynonym [] Vagina synovialis trochleae label [de] organNo [] 60162 contains superior_oblique_muscle isPartOf accessory_visual_structures