name thalamic_fasciculus_of_telencephalon namespace parent fascicle nameMedicineSynonym [] Area tegmentalis H1 telencephali,Pars dorsomedialis areae subthalamicae tegmentalis telencephali, Pars dorsalis areae tegmentalis telencephali label [en] thalamic fasciculus of telencephalon annotationRemark [] dka organNo [] 81562 label [med] Fasciculus thalamicus telencephali ACC [] cy0009097 speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] field H1 of telencephalon, Forel's field H1 of telencephalon, H1 bundle of Forel of telencephalon, H1 field of Forel of telencephalon, tegmental area H1 of telencephalon hasCell isPartOf corpus_striatum hasCell astrocyte hasCell