name thoracic_duct namespace parent lymphatic_trunk label [med] Ductus thoracicus label [de] Brustmilchgang speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 485 nameMedicineSynonym [] comment [en] The largest lymph vessel in the body, beginning at the cisterna chyli about the level of the second lumbar vertebra, the abdominal part extends superiorly to pass through the aortic opening of the diaphragm, where it becomes the thoracic part and crosses the posterior mediastinum to form the arch of thoracic duct and discharge into the left venous angle comment [de] größter Lymphstamm; sammelt die Lymphe der gesamten unteren und der linken oberen Körperhälfte, beginnt in der Cisterna chyli, steigt rechts hinter der Aorta auf, mündet links am Angulus venosus in die Vena brachiocephalica ACC [] cy0000263 annotationRemark [] nameEnglishSynonym [] Pecquet's duct, van Horne's canal label [en] thoracic duct nameGermanSynonym [] Milchbrustgang hasCell hasPart arch_of_thoracic_duct isPartOf superior_mediastinum isPartOf posterior_mediastinum hasCell hasPart cervical_part_of_thoracic_duct hasPart abdominal_part_of_thoracic_duct hasPart thoracic_part_of_thoracic_duct