name thoraco-epigastric_vein namespace parent vein_of_trunk nameMedicineSynonym [] organNo [] 267 annotationRemark [] dka label [en] thoraco-epigastric vein comment [de] verlaufen von der seitlichen Rumpfwand zur Vena axillaris, wichtige indirekte Kollateralbahn zwischen oberer und unterer Hohlvene; Sammelgebiet: Hauptvenen der seitlichen Brustwand und Bauchwand nameEnglishSynonym [] speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] One of two veins, sometimes a single vein, arising from the region of the superficial epigastric vein and opening into the axillary or the lateral thoracic vein, thus forming an anastomotic or collateral pathway between tributaries of the inferior and superior venae cavae label [de] Thorako-epigastrik Vene label [med] Venae thoracoepigastricae nameGermanSynonym [] ACC [] cy0000175 isPartOf isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 drainsInto axillary_vein isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 drainsInto subclavian_vein isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16