name thorax namespace parent part_of_trunk label [med] Thorax speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 40217 ACC [] cy0007038 comment [en] The upper part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen; it is formed by the 12 thoracic vertebrae, the 12 pairs of ribs, the sternum and the muscles and fasciae attached to these; below it is separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm; it contains the chief organs of the circulatory and respiratory systems, as distinguished from the abdomen which encloses those of the digestive apparatus label [de] Brustkorb label [en] thorax annotationRemark [] dka comment [de] knöchernes Gerüst aus Brustbein, Rippen und Brustwirbelsäule, das die Brusthöhle mit ihren Organen und den oberen Anteil der Bauchhöhle umgibt hasPart ligament_of_joints_of_thorax hasPart part_of_pleura hasPart ligament_of_thorax hasPart part_of_ligament_of_thorax locationOf thoracic_lymph_nodes hasPart part_of_thorax hasPart membrane_of_thorax hasPart fascia_of_thorax isPartOf adult