name thyrohyoid_muscle namespace parent infrahyoid_muscles label [med] Musculus thyrohyoideus organNo [] 20575 comment [en] A small quadrilateral muscle that arises from the thyroid cartilage, inserts into the thyrohyal of the hyoid bone, and functions to depress the hyoid bone and to elevate the thyroid cartilage label [en] thyrohyoid muscle comment [de] Teil der unteren Zungenbeinmuskulatur; Ursprung: Schildknorpel; Innervation: Ansa cervicalis (profunda); Funktion: Hebung des Kehlkopfs, passive Senkung des Kehldeckels, Schildknorpelhebung, Zungenbeinsenkung speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0001093 label [de] oberflächlicher Halsmuskel isInnervatedBy ansa_cervicalis attachedToApproach hyoid_bone attachedToOrigin thyroid_cartilage