name tracheal_wall namespace parent part_of_trachea label [en] tracheal wall comment [de] Wandaufbau aus hufeisenförmigen hyalinen Knorpelspangen, kollagenem Bindegewebe, glatter Muskulatur und Schleimhaut mit schleimproduzierenden Becherzellen und seromukösen Drüsen label [med] Paries tracheae speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 20881 label [de] Luftröhrenwand ACC [] cy0001376 comment [en] Walls of fibrous and muscular tissue stiffened by incomplete cartilaginous rings which keep it from collapsing, and is lined with mucous membrane whose epithelium is composed of columnar ciliated mucus-secreting cells hasPart membranous_wall_of_trachea hasPart fibrous_cartilage_tunic_of_trachea isPartOf adult hasPart mucosa_of_trachea hasPart adventitia_of_trachea