name triceps_surae_muscle namespace parent three-headed_muscle parent superficial_group_of_muscles_of_shank child soleus_muscle child gastrocnemius_muscle nameGermanSynonym [] organNo [] 40397 speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] label [en] triceps surae muscle comment [de] Als Musculus triceps surae werden folgende drei Muskeln zusammengefasst: Caput laterale des M. gastrocnemius, Caput mediale des M. gastrocnemius und M. soleus. Ihre gemeinsame Ansatzsehne ist die Achillessehne. comment [en] The triceps surae consists of the muscles located at the back of the calf. The medial part of the gastrocnemius, the lateral part of the gastrocnemius and the soleus. It is connected to the foot by the Achilles tendon. label [de] dreiköpfiger Wadenmuskel nameMedicineSynonym [] label [med] Musculus triceps surae ACC [] cy0007209 annotationRemark [] dka hasPart calcaneal_tendon isInnervatedBy tibial_nerve