name tuberoinfundibular_tract namespace parent tract speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] tuberoinfundibular system, tuberohypophyseal tract, tuberohypophysial tract label [en] tuberoinfundibular tract comment [en] A system of fine, unmyelinated fibers apparently originating from small-celled nuclei of the tuber cinereum, especially the arcuate nucleus, and terminating in the mediam eminence of the infundibulum, in contact with modified ependymal cells and the capillary tufts from which the hypothalamohypophsial portal veins originate nameMedicineSynonym [] Tractus tuberohypophysialis, Tractus tubero-hypophyseus nameGermanSynonym [] ACC [] cy0001670 annotationRemark [] organNo [] 21211 comment [de] die zum Hypothalamus (Hypophysenvorderlappen) System gehörende Bahn vom Tuber cinereum in den Hypophysenstiel, wo sie sich an den Gefäßbaum des portalen Kreislaufs verzweigt label [de] label [med] Tractus tuberoinfundibularis hasCell isPartOf white_substance_of_hypothalamus isPartOf adult hasCell astrocyte isPartOf hasCell