name umbilical_artery namespace parent embryonic_artery parent artery_of_trunk child right_umbilical_artery child occluded_part_of_umbilical_artery child left_umbilical_artery child patent_part_of_umbilical_artery child umbilical_arteries_right_and_left_of_extraembryonic_component annotationRemark [] dka comment [en] Either of a pair of arteries originating from the internal iliac artery and passing through the umbilical cord to carry blood from the fetus to the placenta organNo [] 24152 nameMedicineSynonym [] label [med] Arteria umbilicalis ACC [] cy0004493 label [de] Nabelarterie comment [de] die paarige Nabelarterie als 1. Ast der Arteria iliaca interna; zunächst als Gefäß des Allantoiskreislaufs, später in den Trophoblasten einwachsend des Plazentakreislaufs nameGermanSynonym [] label [en] umbilical artery nameEnglishSynonym [] speciesNo [] 86 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_13 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_22 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_9 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 isPartOf dorsal_aorta isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_11 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 hasOriginIn internal_iliac_artery isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 forms medial_umbilical_fold hasPart patent_part_of_umbilical_artery isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_23 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_10 hasPart occluded_part_of_umbilical_artery isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_12 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_21 hasPart cord_of_umbilical_artery isOriginOf ureteric_branches_of_umbilical_artery isPartOf isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15