name urachus namespace parent part_of_urogenital_sinus ACC [] cy0002084 label [med] Urachus nameMedicineSynonym [] nameEnglishSynonym [] definitionEnglish [] ACC [] cy0010290 nameEnglishSynonym [] urachus of urogenital sinus comment [en] The urachus is a cord of fibrous tissue extending from the bladder to the navel and constituting the functionless remnant of a part of the duct of the allontois of the embryo, connecting it with the cloaca. Later on it becomes the median umbilical ligament. label [en] urachus comment [de] Der Urachus leitet sich vom embryonalen Allantoisgang ab, der die Allantois mit der Kloake verbindet, er reicht vom Scheitel der späteren Harnblase bis zum Nabel und verödet bald zum Ligamentum umbilicale medianum. label [de] embryologischer Harngang organNo [] 21675 nameGermanSynonym [] annotationRemark [] dka organNo [] 82813 definitionGerman [] leitet sich vom Allantoisgang ab speciesNo [] 86 hasCell isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf urogenital_sinus isPartOf isPartOf differentiatesInto median_umbilical_ligament isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 connectWith urinary_bladder isPartOf amniotic_ectoderm_of_umbilical_cord isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasCell connectWith part_of_allantois isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17