name ureter namespace parent tubes parent part_of_abdomen parent part_of_pelvis parent urine_organ label [med] Ureter ACC [] cy0039171 comment [en] The thick-walled tube that conducts the urine from the renal pelvis to the bladder; it consists of an abdominal part and a pelvic part, is lined with transitional epithelium surrounded by smooth muscle, both circular and longitudinal, and is covered externally by a tunica adventia organNo [] 60 label [en] ureter speciesNo [] 86 comment [de] das 20 - 30 cm lange röhrenförmige, paarige Hohlorgan zwischen Nierenbecken und Harnblase, entwickelt sich aus einer Knospe des embryonalen Wolff- Ganges, besteht aus einer Schleimhautauskleidung, Muskulatur und einer Bindegebsschicht, verläuft an der seitlichen Beckenwand, transportiert mit Hilfe der Ureterperistaltik den Harn vom Nierenbecken in die Harnblase label [de] Harnleiter isSuppliedBy artery_of_kidney hasPart abdominal_part_of_ureter isPartOf urine_organ hasPart groin_of_ureter hasPart mucous_coat_of_ureter isSuppliedBy internal_iliac_artery hasPart muscular_coat_of_ureter differentiatedFrom ureteric_bud hasPart adventitia_of_ureter hasPart pelvic_part_of_ureter hasPart fibrous_coat_of_ureter hasPart drainage_component_of_metanephros hasPart intramural_part_of_ureter hasPart transitional_epithelium_of_ureter isSuppliedBy renal_artery derivesFrom mesoderm hasOriginIn mucosa_of_renal_pelvis isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isSuppliedBy common_iliac_artery isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf