name uterine_tube namespace parent internal_female_genitalia child oviduct speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 768 ACC [] cy0049884 label [en] uterine tube (right and left) comment [de] vom Fundus der Gebärmutter in die unmittelbare Nähe der Eierstöcke führende circa 15cm lange, paarige etwa bleistiftdicke Röhre, die dem Eitransport dient; ihre Wand besteht aus einer dünnen Schicht glatter Muskulatur und einer stark gefalteten Schleimhaut, die mit Flimmerhärchen besetzt ist label [de] Eileiter comment [en] One of the tube's leading on either side from the upper or outer extremity of the ovary, which is largely enveloped by its expanded infundibulum, to the fundus of the uterus; it consists of infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, and uterine parts nameMedicineSynonym [] Tuba uterina Fallopii, Salpinx, Tuba fallopii, Tuba fallopiana nameEnglishSynonym [] fallopian tube (right and left), oviduct (right and left), ovarian canal, gonaduct label [med] Tuba uterina (dexter et sinister) hasPart infundibulum_of_uterine_tube hasPart serosa_of_uterine_tube isInnervatedBy inferior_hypogastric_plexus hasPart fimbriae_of_uterine_tube hasPart uterine_part_of_uterine_tube hasCell hasPart subserosa_of_uterine_tube hasPart abdominal_opening_of_uterine_tube hasPart ampulla_of_uterine_tube hasCell epithelial_cell hasPart uterine_ostium_of_uterine_tube hasPart mucosa_of_uterine_tube hasCell isSuppliedBy tubal_branches_of_ovarian_artery_female hasPart peritoneal_stratum_of_uterine_tube hasCell ciliated_cell_of_oviduct isSuppliedBy tubal_branch_of_uterine_artery_female hasPart isthmus_of_uterine_tube isInnervatedBy ovarian_plexus hasCell hasPart muscularis_of_uterine_tube