name utricle namespace parent part_of_vestibulocochlear_organ ACC [] cy0007938 nameMedicineSynonym [] Sacculus communis nameGermanSynonym [] Schlauch organNo [] 60377 label [de] Vorhofsäckchen comment [de] Teil des Labyrinths des Innenohrs. Ansatzpunkt und Endpunkt der drei Bogengänge. Im Bereich seiner Macula ist der Utriculus mit Sinnesepithel ausgestattet. annotationRemark [] dka label [med] Utriculus vestibularis speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] The larger of the two membranous sacs in the vestibule of the labyrinth, lying in the elliptical recess. From it arise the three semicircular ducts. label [en] Utricle isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 hasPart utricular_recess isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasPart common_membranous_limb_of_semicircular_ducts differentiatedFrom associated_mesenchyme_of_utricle isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 isPartOf vestibular_area hasPart epithelium_of_utricle isPartOf vestibular_labyrinth isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19