name vascular_circle_of_optic_nerve namespace parent artery_of_eye label [med] Circulus vasculosus nervi optici comment [de] der aus Ästen der Arteriae ciliares posteriores breves gebildete Zinn-Gefäßkranz um die Eintrittsstelle des Sehnervs in die Sklera, dessen Zweige in den Sehnerv eindringen und mit der Arteria centralis retinae anastomosieren comment [en] A network of branches of the short ciliary arteries on the sclera around the point of entrance of the optic nerve nameGermanSynonym [] Zinn-Haller-Gefäßkranz nameEnglishSynonym [] Haller's circle, Zinn's corona, Zinn's vascular circle label [de] Haller-Gefäßring label [en] vascular circle of optic nerve hasOriginIn short_posterior_ciliary_arteries hasOriginIn central_retinal_artery hasPart inferior_nasal_retinal_arteriole hasPart inferior_temporal_retinal_arteriole isPartOf adult hasPart superior_temporal_retinal_arteriole hasPart middle_macular_arteriole hasPart superior_nasal_retinal_arteriole hasPart superior_macular_arteriole hasPart inferior_macular_arteriole isPartOf