name vestibular_fold namespace parent part_of_laryngeal_vestibule comment [en] The upper pair of vocal cords each of which encloses a vestibular ligament, extends from one side of the thyroid cartilage in front to the arytenoid cartilage on the same side of the larynx in back, and is not directly concerned with speech production label [med] Plica vestibularis ACC [] cy0001079 nameEnglishSynonym [] ventricular fold, false vocal cords annotationRemark [] label [de] Taschenfalte des Kehlkopfs speciesNo [] 86 comment [de] durch das Ligamentum vestibulare hevorgerufene sagittale Falte zwischen Vestibulum und Ventriculus laryngis; paarig, enthält Drüsen und Muskulatur label [en] vestibular fold nameMedicineSynonym [] Plica ventricularis (laryngis) organNo [] 20560 nameGermanSynonym [] hasCell isPartOf laryngeal_vestibule hasCell endocrine_glandulocyte hasCell exocrine_glandulocyte hasCell hasCell hasCell epithelial_cell_with_microvilli isPartOf adult hasCell basal_cell_of_stratified_epithelium hasPart vestibular_rima hasCell ciliated_cell_with_propulsive_function_of_respiratory_tract