name vomer namespace parent part_of_viscerocranium label [en] vomer speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 1212 comment [en] A flat bone of trapezoidal shape forming the inferior and posterior portion of the nasal septum; it articulates with the sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, two mxillae, and two palatine bones comment [de] knöcherner Teil der Nasenscheidewand; grenzt kranial an die Lamina perpendicularis, oben-vorn an die Pars cartilaginea label [de] Pflugscharbein label [med] Vomer ACC [] cy0050885 isPartOf sphenovomerine_suture hasPart vomerine_groove hasPart cuneiform_part_of_vomer isPartOf viscerocranium isPartOf adult hasPart vomerine_crest_of_choana hasPart ala_of_vomer