name zygomatic_bone namespace parent part_of_viscerocranium organNo [] 1209 label [med] Os zygomaticum (dexter et sinister) ACC [] cy0050831 comment [en] A quadrilateral bone of the side of the face below the eye that in mammals forms the prominence of the cheek, part of the zygomatic arch and part of the orbit and articulates with the temporal bone, sphenoid bone, and frontal bone and with the maxillary bone. label [en] zygomatic bone (right and left) speciesNo [] 86 label [de] Jochbein comment [de] Gesichtsknochen zwischen Schläfenbein, Stirnbein und Oberkiefer, bildet einen Teil der lateralen Wand der Augenhöhle und zusammen mit dem Processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis den Jochbogen. hasPart marginal_tubercle_inconstant hasPart orbital_surface_of_zygomatic_bone hasPart zygomatico-orbital_foramen hasPart frontal_process_of_zygomatic_bone hasPart zygomaticofacial_foramen isPartOf temporozygomatic_suture isPartOf zygomaticomaxillary_suture hasPart orbital_tubercle isPartOf viscerocranium hasPart temporal_surface_of_zygomatic_bone hasPart temporal_process_of_zygomatic_bone isPartOf adult isPartOf sphenozygomatic_suture hasPart lateral_surface_of_zygomatic_bone hasPart zygomaticotemporal_foramen