name zygomatic_nerve namespace parent cranial_nerve comment [en] A branch of the maxillary nerve in the inferior orbital fissure through which it passes; it gives rise to two sensory branches, the zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial, which supply the skin of the temporal and zygomatic regions and is continued as the communicating branch of the lacrimal nerve with the zygomatic nerve speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 23115 nameEnglishSynonym [] orbital nerve, temporomandibular nerve annotationRemark [] dka label [de] nameGermanSynonym [] ACC [] cy0003470 comment [de] in der Fossa pterygopalatina abgehender Ast des Nervus maxillaris; verläuft durch die Fissura orbitale inferior in die Augenhöhle und an deren seitlicher Wand zum Foramen zygomaticotemporale; Versorgungsgebiet: Haut des oberen Wangenbereichs, des lateralen Augenwinkels, des vorderen Abschnitts der Schläfe, parasympathische Fasern für die Tränendrüse aus dem Ganglion pterygopalatinum label [en] zygomatic nerve label [med] Nervus zygomaticus nameMedicineSynonym [] hasOriginIn maxillary_nerve isOriginOf zygomaticofacial_branch_of_zygomatic_nerve isPartOf locatedIn inferior_orbital_fissure isOriginOf zygomaticotemporal_branch_of_zygomatic_nerve locatedIn pterygoid_fossa