Available functions

Gets a list of all organs
Gets a list of organs this class is associated with. The class may be a subclass of an organ or is connected to the organ through the restrictions 'isPartOf', 'isCellOf' and 'isPartOfOrgan'
similar to 'getOrgansOf' but returns the list of physiological systems a class belongs to.
From the given starting class an upstream search is started until a class of the stored list is found. Besides of the class hierarchy the following relations are used: 'isPartOf', 'isCellOf' and 'isPartOfOrgan'. All classes found are returned.
From the given starting class an downs search is started until a class of the stored list is found. Besides of the class hierarchy the following relations are used: 'hasPart', 'hasCell' and 'hasOrganPart'. All classes found are returned.